My Take on Antimicrobial Resistance

My Experience with Antimicrobial Resistance
Now, as a teenager, I almost had no clue that antibiotics can be harmful to me. I saw it as medicine that was given during an infection. But up until this summer, when I came down with Strep Throat and an Ear Infection, I didn't know the concept of antimicrobial resistance. When I had to take antibiotics for ten days, I somehow skipped quite a few doses. My doctor and my parents were worried that this may allow the antimicrobials to not kill all of the infection, meaning that the microorganisms kill all the minor bacteria and viruses and grow stronger themselves. That's when I started looking into antimicrobial resistance.

What is antimicrobial resistance?
Antimicrobial resistance is when bacteria and viruses change in ways that make antibiotics ineffective. When microorganisms become resistant to antimicrobials/antibiotics, they are known as superbugs.

How is Antimicrobial Resistance Affecting Everyone?
When an antimicrobial is unable to work, curing the illness may mean extra visits to doctors, more difficult and expensive alternatives, hospitalization, and sometimes even death. In the United States alone, 23,000 people die of no cure annually, which is not counting the 2 million that come down with illnesses with superbugs. Antimicrobials are what are also known as "societal drugs", meaning that antimicrobial resistance can pass bacterium to bacterium, from person to person. Hence, this issue can even effect a whole community.

How Can One Avoid Antimicrobial Resistance?
Well for starters, try to buy organic meat and cook it well. Many times antibiotics are given to animals in order for them to grow bigger in size and much quicker as well. According to ABC News, experts suggest to spend some extra money on organic, non-antibiotic food, rather than hoping not to fall ill.
Second, for someone like me, it is important that you take your doses of antibiotics on time, and avoid taking it for minor things like the flu or cold. Do not save any antibiotics for the next time you fall sick, and take it only when your doctor prescribes it.  Talk to your doctor about when antibiotics should be used and when it is not necessary.

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