Where does your favorite fast food restaurant rank in terms of their antibiotics policies ?

                                                       Photo credit: http://www.foe.org/projects/food-and-technology/good-food-healthy-planet/chain-reaction 

Like me, I am sure you must be curious to know where does your favorite fast food restaurant rank in terms of their antibiotics policies and practices. Although a lot of people pay attention while buying meat in supermarket on details like organic, grass fed, cage free etc. but seldom pay attention while eating at a restaurant. As per CDC, antibiotics in animal food chain is one of the leading causes of  "Superbugs" crisis and we need to create awareness to fight against this superbugs serious threat.

Have a look at this collaborative new report which ranks the 25 largest US fast food and "fast casual" restaurant chains on their antibiotics policies and practices.

Chain Reaction II second annual report and scorecard that grades America’s top restaurant chains’ on their policies and practices regarding antibiotics use and transparency in their meat and poultry supply chains

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