Become an antibiotic guardian !! We all are in this crisis together.

 Antibiotic resistance bacteria or popularly known as "Superbug" is one of the deadliest health threats of 21st century. If we don't act on it, as per some reports, Superbugs to kill 'more than cancer' by 2050

 In Europe and the United States alone, Superbugs cause at least 50,000 deaths each year.

 What is antibiotic resistance, and why should we care? Watch this video

Excellent video by Dr Chris van Tulleken on Public Health England YouTube channel.

As rightly said by the Dr. Chris, we can take these simple steps to help in this fight against superbugs and can become "Antibiotic Guardian" by these three steps.
Step 1: Don't bug your doctor to prescribe antibiotic if not needed.
Step 2: Use precisely as prescribed. Don't keep it for future use and never give it to someone else.
Step 3: Increase the awareness so that more and more people follow the first two steps.

 Visit for more information and to make a pledge to save some of our most precious medicines.

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