Crowdsourcing antibiotic discovery - what an idea !! All kudos to Small World Initiative (SWI)

The Small World Initiative (SWI) developed at the Center for Scientific Teaching at Yale uses an undergraduate research course approach to crowdsource the search for new antibiotics. The SWI framework has both a research and an educational component.
Started at Yale University and piloted in 2012, the Small World Initiative (SWI) is a truly innovative and game changing program in 21st century learning and research.
It encourages students to pursue careers in science while addressing a worldwide health threat of Superbugs – the diminishing supply of effective antibiotics which can fight against these antibiotic resistant bacteria.

To date, there are nearly 200 SWI Partner Instructors at 167 participating schools across 35 US states, Puerto Rico, and 12 countries.

The Small World Initiative (SWI) strives to combine technology, science, and innovation to make meaningful and measurable improvements in the global education and healthcare landscape.

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